Luoyang Diron Parts Trading Co.,Ltd
Big Bear Engine Company
Young & Sons Inc.
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Customer Testimonials

'I had hundreds of "hits" on your website which generated 5 or 6 inquiries from all over the world; Germany, The Philippines, Korea, Sweden, and Spain. I sold all 3 of my engines to a buyer from South Korea. Your website was invaluable to me in selling these engines; no other ads that I ran produced any inquiries.'

Gary Sommerfeld, Manager, Marine Operations, Phillips Cruises & Tours, Anchorage, Alaska

'Thanks, I appreciate your site very much. I just sold another engine here this week. I am glad to know there are people working to improve the site whenever possible. I am very happy to be of some service in that regard.'

Aaron Lewin, Thorp, USA

'The engine was on other sites, but we received the most calls from We sold it to the first caller-from Also, there was a waiting list on the engine if the first sale fell through! Thanks for the great service!'

Fran Trapp, South Carolina, USA


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