for Sale on Diesel Engine Trader

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Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.
Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.
Luoyang Diron Parts Trading Co.,Ltd
Young & Sons Inc.
Big Bear Engine Company
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Customer Testimonials

'Had a Toyota motor for sale in our city paper for 2 years without success, but on I got a quick response and it was sold.. Thanks for your help. I'll use it again.'

Glenn Poidinger, Merik Workshops, Canada

'We've sold 2 CAT engines and a Cummins in the last 4 months and even sold Crankshafts to Italy and Afganistan! generates lots of inquiries - it definitely works for us!'

Joe Zalesky, Rebuild Incorporated, Ohio, USA

'We've sold at least 6 engines through - it's great value advertising.'

Ted Hills, Ted's Trucks N Stuff, Midland City, Alabama, USA


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